For Torchy's Q3 fall 2020 promotion, I conceived, wrote & produced a mock political election campaign dubbed "Tacos / Queso 2020". With election season in full gear, and Torchy's having two tacos on the menu named after political parties, the Democrat and Republican, respectively, I wanted to develop something special to help drive sales while poking fun at the election and current political climate.
To enhance the campaign, I designed campaign bumper stickers, buttons, t-shirts and yard signs. In addition, I wrote parody attack ads for each of the candidates. 
The promotion was a huge success upon launch with Torchy's fanbase and we ended up selling the campaign yard signs online due to demand. Following theft of some of the signs at stores, I produced a quick commercial spot using store security footage. Signs were also placed at polling sites and we even had a few customers take photos of their "I Voted" sticker next to them after they finished voting. 
Tacos / Queso 2020 ran along side promotion October's Taco of the month, the Washingtonian. The narrative I developed centered around a political race between the Democrat and Republican tacos with the Washingtonian jumping in unexpectedly to make it a three-way race.
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